The Happines is a Word very common in this time that can have many concepts in the world according to with the culture and very very profound. For have a idea general of what is the happines?, I took a quote of wikipedia .
“Happiness is a state of mind characterized by providing a positive enviromental approach and a state of inner peace. It is defined as an internal condition of satisfaction and joy.”
But, the happiness is a state that come for some cause external.
Actually the happines in the world is all that cause satisfaction.
Ej: Smoking can do happy a person. Graduating, and many other more success.
But all this not will be happy for ever or can’t find the happines that to meet you need in the moment of the trouble and adversity.
But the question is, are you happy in your problems also?
The happines that more need the world is the love of God, his loves is unconditional, perfect and unfailing, his love is bigger of that you can imagine and will going with you everywhere.
You only need to give your objetives, dream, time… and your life for be totaly happy in all that your want to do.
In conclusion the happines is subjetive of each person, but you can find be happy for ever, if you belevie in the existence of the a God good. This is the truly happines in my opnion.
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